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Bougainvillea Glabra Variegata Pyramids. 

Bougainvillea Glabra Variegata is an evergreen ornamental climbing vine producing masses of vibrantly coloured flowers lasting for long periods of time. Flowering in flushes they can flower even in winter if kept above 10 degrees. The variegated cream and green leaves provide added interest and contrast fantastically well against the cerise-violet coloured flowers. 

Perfect for growing in pots adding showstopping colour to any conservatory, warm greenhouse or bright room. They can also be placed outside through summer.


These specimens are exceptional quality. Photos 1-2 show some of the actual plants coming into stock from Spring 2025. Please Note: Heights stated include pot sizes.

Click into the "Height" box and price of each plant is shown next to its size. UK delivery is FREE on all our plants.


To PRE-ORDER please contact with your requirements or alternatively reserve by choosing 'Manual' payments at checkout (where no payment is taken until just before delivery).


SKU: BougGlVarie30-9-pyr/gt
  • Latin Name: Bourgainvillea Glabra Vareigata.

    Common Name: Variegated Bourgainvillea, Paper Flower

    Origin: Central and South America.

    Hardiness: Protect from frost. Keep above 10 degrees in winter to prevent leaf drop. If drop does occur leaves will grow again when temperature rises.

    Growth Characteristics: Fairly quick growth rate. Variegated cream and green leaves. Evergreen. Beautiful clusters of flowers cerise/violet. Flowers in flushes for long periods of time. Keep Pot Bound. Pyramids. Thorns can be present.

    Sunlight: Bright, warm spot.

    Pruning: Prune in early spring before the new growth starts as Bourgainvillea flower on the new wood. Can be lightly pruned after each flush as this encourages more flowers.

    Soil: Any. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly during growing season, sparingly in winter.

    Feeding: Feed once a week during growing season, but not onto dry roots, water day before.

  • Pre-Order Now For Delivery From Spring 2025.


    All palms have been imported with phytosanitary certificates from top quality growers.

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