Hymenocallis Littoralis. Spider Lily.
The Hymenocallis Littoralis is a bulbous perennial growing to around 2-3ft with the most spectactcularly elegant flowers which will bring an amazing exotic touch to your house or garden. Through Summer multiple stems carry large vanilla scented pure white blooms which have a central cup with very elongated outer petals reflexed behind it giving it a spider like appearance. These contrast beautifully against the long glossy arching
leaves. Perfect for your patio, conservatory or greenhouse. Can be grown outside through summer and brought in through winter.
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Latin Name: Hymenocallis Littoralis. Ismene Littoralis
Common Name: Spider Lily. Beach Spider Lily. Peruvian Daffodil. Sea Daffodil.
Native: Central America. Mexico
Hardiness: Frost tender. If planted outside lift bulbs in Autumn and replant in March.
Growth: Glossy green arching strap-like leaves. Unique spider like pure white vanilla scented flowers highly attractive to butterflies are long lasting. Forms clumps. Undemanding and easy to grow. Can be grown as a houseplant.
Sun: Full sun/partial shade.
Exposure: Sheltered.
Soil: Well drained soil.
Moisture: Water regularly in summer. Keep moist. Prefers even moisture.
Feeding: Feed regularly through the growing season with a balanced liquid fertiliser.
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